Name: Sreeja Saha
Phone number:9163049739
Address Jadavpur Kol-70032

Carrier Objective
India is a developing country.Rapid technological advancement is taking place in our country. Hence i wish to be a engineer and want to be associated with the technological progress of our country.Technology is a fast growing aspect of our country and research is going on sevreral fields of engineering. I will be proud and fortunate is taking part of advancement of technology of our country.

Education qulification
10+2 details
Board Name: WBBSE
Passing Year: 2019
10th details
Board Name: WBBSE
Passing Year: 2017

Personal details
Father Name: Subrata Saha
DOB: 19/06/2001
Meritial status: Single
Gender Female
Religion: Hindu
Nationlity: Indian

I hereby declare that the information above is true to the best of my knowledge.I do hereby declare that the above particulars of information and facts stated areture,correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.

place: Garia,Kolkata-700152
Date: 15/02/2020
